>> 6002theMicky6002 이제 자려고^^ 피아노 작사^^그리고 술!! 한참 즐기다 잔다!!일어나서는 그냥 집에서 하루종일있어야지^^만날 사람도 없는데~여자친구~ㅎㅎㅎ그냥 혼자가 편하다!!^^ㅎ 혼자가편하다^^ -(Yoochun) I'm going to bed now^^ Composing on the piano^^ and alcohol!! I was enjoying those two things for a while but now I'm going to bed!! When I wake up, I'm going to spend all day at home^^ I don't have anyone to meet up with~No girlfriend~hahaha It's nice to be alone!!^^ haha It's nice to be alone^^ (9:33am KST)
>> 0101xiahtic김준수 스키장이였어~^^근데..요번에 놀러간 스키장은 거의13년만이더라고...하하하;; http://yfrog.com/hs76jsj -(Junsu) I was at a ski resort~^^ But.. I realized that it's been almost 13 years since I last visited this ski resort...hahaha;; (3:03pm KST) //ผมอยู่ที่สกีรีสอร์ทครับ~^^ แต่ว่า...ผมมาที่นี่ครั้งสุดท้ายก็เกือบ 13 ปีแล้ว...ฮ่าฮ่าฮ่า;; >> mjjejeKim jae joong 日本のみんなは良い一日過ごしてるんですか?
-(Jaejoong) Did everyone in Japan have a good day? (11:30pm KST) // ทุกคนที่ญี่ปุ่นสบายดีกันมั๊ยครับ?
>> mjjejeKim jae joong 오늘은 혼자집이라 사진찍어줄사람도없네 ~미안~ -(Jaejoong) Because I'm alone at home today, there's no one to take pictures for me ~sorry~ (11:32pm KST) //วันนี้ผมอยู่บ้านคนเดียว ไม่มีใครถ่ายรูปให้ผมเลย~ ขอโทษนะครับ~
Source: [Yoochun+Junsu+Jaejoong's Twitter] Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net + mandasoh@tohosomnia.net Shared by: tohosomnia.net Do not remove/add on any credits Thai trans: little_saku